Hello again,
A correction first: My teacher apparently -did- collect writings that weren't in notebooks but were typed or handwritten on seperate sheets of paper last Friday. Many people in class received their writings back with comments like "6 pages?" "4 pages?" "? pages", which gives me hope. My teacher says he's also been point-reading some of them and will continue to do so on a random, occasional basis.
I'll keep on with the blog.
This week, though, we turned in the notebooks as well; and something tells me I'm not getting my tensomething pages of writing back soon. No worries. I'm sharing a poem tonight--most people who're likely to read this blog are also familiar with the poems I write; but this is one was shared with the rest of the world only once, in an auditorium with classmates and a few teachers in it; and should be new to all of you. (And now I started talking to imaginary readers, bonanza.)
The tragedy of pornstars
is not at all that they sell their bodies
-we all subtly sell our bodies
our sweat and our souls, our principles
for the raw desires of this world-
It is that once the viewer reaches his orgasm
and the testesterone's subdued, movies are quickly closed
and not ever watched until the end,
the work and the sacrifice of the pornstar
never fully appreciated by the satiated men.
Have a good night, friends.
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